283 Penrose Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland 1060 Phone : 09 570 2999 Email : info@mtwellingtondocs.co.nz

How to enrol:
Complete and submit Online Enrolment or collect one at the practice.
Read Data privacy information sheet and Enrolment Guidelines for Patients sheet here.
Allow three working days before calling for an appointment (this gives us time to register you in our system and request notes from your previous GP).
Your first appointment will cost $60-$160 (less if you have a community services card), then you will pay normal rates for all other appointments.
You will need to come in 15 minutes early for your first appointment.
Under 16 year olds:
A parent or guardian should enrol the patient
Extra funding:
Check your eligibility to receive publicly funded health services here.
Or ask at reception.
We look forward to meeting you.