283 Penrose Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland 1060
Phone : 09 570 2999 Email : info@mtwellingtondocs.co.nz
Fees (effective 1st July 2024).
Fees are based on a STANDARD 15 MINUTE CONSULTATION (except on Saturdays). You may be charged more or less depending on time and material used.
Children under 14: FREE
Non - resident children under 14: $40.00
Prescriptions: $15 - $35
(CSC = Community Services Card)
Adults 18 + with CSC
Age 14 - 17 with CSC
Nurse Consult 18+ with CSC
Nurse Consult 14-17yr with CSC
Adults 18 +
Age 14 - 17
Nurse Consult Adult 18+
Nurse Consult 14-17yr
Not Enrolled.
Adults 18 + with CSC
Age 14 - 17 with CSC
Nurse Consult Adult 18+ with CSC
Nurse Consult 14-17yr with CSC
Adults 18 +
Age 14 - 17
Nurse Consult Adult 18+
Nurse Consult 14-17yr
Adults 18+ with CSC
Adults 18+ enrolled
Age 14 - 17 with CSC
Adults 18+
Age 14 - 17 enrolled
Age 14 - 17
Some doctors request double appointments for new/first time patients, in this case there will be an extra charge, reception will advise when booking.
Saturdays and Public Holidays: A surcharge of $20 is applicable for all enrolled adults, and a surcharge of $30 for NEW and CASUAL patients.